Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Disney's Captain Hook

I had an event recently that wanted cosplayers dressed as Marvel or Disney characters. I had yet to make a Disney costume, so I wasn't sure which character I could come up with quickly.  So I searched around my work room and decided that my mock up for my Newt Scamander coat would work just fine. I would be Disney's Captain Hook!
I went to work finishing up the coat by adding black trim along the edges and gold trim in a few areas. I used 2 gold buttons on each sleeve and 4 to close up the front. It is starting to look very pirate-y.
Now with the coat finished, I turned my attention to the hat. I had one I previously used for my son's renaissance costume. I beefed up the metal wire around the edge to hold the shape better and added gold trim. I had a red feather boa that I used as a hat band. A white ostrich feather completed the look.
I didn't have time to make a new pair of pants, so I wore black leggings tucked into black boots. I made lacy leg cuffs to sit above my boots to resemble the ruffle on short pants. (I don't know the correct historical term). My blouse was a vintage lace one with ruffles on the bodice and full flowy cuffs. I wore a gold chain belt under my coat and a thick black leather one on top.
Next I spent some money to make it look especially like the Captain. I purchased a long curly wig and several accessories like a pistol, sword and of course the hook.
I drew on a mustache with black eyeliner. I need to purchase a costume one though.
Captain Hook was a hit at the party.

Several of us from the group dressed in the Disney theme.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Steampunk Newt Scamander

Have you ever had an idea in your head for a costume and when it is said and done it looks nothing what was originally planned on. Well, that has happened to me.
After last fall's Comic-Con, my friend wanted to come up with a steampunk Harry Potter look. I was thinking of an auror steampunk-ified. As I got to making some of the pieces, it started to speak to me. No longer was I just an auror, nope, I was going to be a steampunk Newt Scamander. I am glad that I listened.
I have joined up with a local cosplay group and they had a meet & greet Friday to meet all the new members. There were also several photographers there that took some great shots. Here are a few and I will add more as they become available.



Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My next costume - The coat - Updated

I wanted to break up my posts and show the coat separately. I have the basic coat together, I just need to sew in the sleeves and the lining. I am debating on whether or not to trim them out with a faux leather. I like the look on my tester, so I think I will. I am still debating on trimming out around the neck and down the front.
The brocade fabric I have had for several years. It is upholstery weight.

The cutting out stage.

Getting ready to sew in the pocket facing.

Pocket facing sewn in and turned.

Adding the pocket facing to the front of the coat.

It looks complicated, but I was suprised to find it quite easy.

Finished pocket.

It needs a good pressing. 

The back turned out so pretty.

Just needs the sleeves and lining.

Still needs that pressing. The sleeve caps are basted in and the sleeve is pinned in.

Close up of the pocket.

Just checking out the tester pinned to the sleeve to see if I like the faux leather trim. I think I do. I think I will sew it with a brown thread on the finished coat. 

I finally found a fur collar the other day. Love the color. I was hoping for one a little wider but now that I have it pinned on I think the width is good. Please excuse the safety pins, I have 3 buckles I am getting ready to sew on.

Let me know what you think. I will post more photos and I get it finished and I'll try for a photo shoot before Comic-Con.

Working on my next costume - The pants

I took advantage of the long holiday weekend to work on my next costume. I have had this floating around in my head since last October.  At the last Comic-Com my friend and I started brainstorming about what we wanted to look like for this years event. We thought a Harry Potter steampunk look would be the one. Maybe a steampunk auror. I would like to wear this to the premier of the Fantastic Beasts movie in November too.
Here are some photos on the process of assembly for the pants. Here are the pants all cut up and ready to sew. And the finished pair. Plus a close up of my tester showing piping for the pants. The fabric for the pants is stretchable so they fit nicely.


Friday, June 17, 2016

A bit of a dry spell

Hi everyone,
I have had a bit of a dry spell here lately. I have had a death in my family and all inspiration came to a standstill. I hope to be sewing again soon. Comic-Con will be here again in October and I have a costume to construct. Until then I want to share some photos of my wizarding decor inspired by Harry Potter.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Pretty fabrics

I did a little shopping yesterday at my local Hancock Fabrics to see if there were good deals to be had since they are bankrupt and all. I found some really great fabric and the cost was pretty reasonable too.

I envision the purple fabric into a vest and hat. There was only a yard and a half. I hope it will be enough.

The green/gold striped fabric I got because it looked vintage. I don't have a clear idea what to do with it yet. 

This fabric is sheer enough to be made into curtains and my living room is in need of some new ones. This is just pinned on the rod to see if it would work. I like it.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Harry Potter Steampunk Jacket Mockup

I am using Simplicity 2172. The jacket element is great. However I don't care for the ruffle at the collar and sleeves. I am hoping to use some sort of fur at the collar instead. I nixed the skirt too.  I am going for a slim leg pant that will tuck into boots and make some sort of a wand holster at the thigh. I'm still debating on the corset too.

I like to make a mockup or a muslin of certain clothes that I make. Especially if there isn't a lot of ease and if I had any structural changes or add-ons. I did this for my Snape cosplay and it worked out well. I combed thru my stash to find a fabric that was of similar weight as my jacket fabric plus having enough yardage. The material is a decorator fabric probably used for drapes.

I like to trace my patterns, that way, I can keep the original unmarked and be able to make any changes to the pattern on the traced one.  Examination table paper from the doctor's office makes great tracing paper.
After cutting out my size and sewing up the jacket minus the sleeves. I decided to try it on. Now, I'm a bit thick around the middle and found it to be a bit tight. The back neck area is too high up. And something weird, the front and back shoulders didn't match up. I checked with the original pattern pieces to make sure I traced it right. I did. I am still trying to figure it out.

 I thought the pockets would be hard to put together but they were a breeze and they look awesome.
My next thing will be the sleeves and then the lining. After I figure out the shoulder area of course.

The jacket with and without sleeves. The blackish furry thing is a scarf. I am trying to simulate fur to see if I like it or not. I think I do. Now to finish it up.

I have finished all but the buttonholes on my HP steampunk mockup. This turned out well. I had to make a few adjustments on it. I let out the seams around my middle. Dang it! I also took in the shoulder area. I shortened up the back neck area too. I already have made the alterations to the pattern pieces too. I like the way it turned out and I am looking forward to making the blue brocade.